Computer vision in cooking using AI
- saving personal time by avoiding browsing cookbooks, googling on your phone, searching for YouTube videos
- preparation of quality food, personalization of recipes to your taste
- step-by-step control of your actions by technology
- software capable of training kitchen staff
Depot under control of Computer Vision
- Model and number
- Position
- Speed
The camera sees:
Artificial Intelligence Auto Spare Part Detection
- multiple spare parts recognition
- effective detection of masks and borders
- fast database search
- cloud system
Computer Vision in Warehouse Automation
- object detection and tracking
- marking recognition
- real-time WMS integration
- business process quality management
COMPUTER VISION in Warehouse Small-Sized Stock Counting
- object detection and tracking
- recognition and counting
OpenCV. Pull up Tracking and Counting
- control over the correct implementation
- recognition of unsuccessful attempts
- counting the number of successful repetitions and the time taken to complete

- Personalization of Healthcare
- Analysis of medical images based on Computer Vision
- Risk assessment
- Public Health Management
- AI-based predictions and recommendations

Public safety and security
- Comprehensive video analysis based on Machine Learning
- Face detection, recognition and tracking
- Object detection, recognition and identification with ML
- Editing frames and objects
- Reliable person identification

- Customized learning solutions
- Virtual facilitators
- Automation of administrative tasks

Transport and Logistics
- Traffic management
- Supply chain optimization
- Inspection and maintenance of assets

Advertising technologies
- Increase of consumer data
- Automated audience clustering and targeting
- Predictive performance analysis
- Identifying brand-safe content

Media and entertainment
- AI for the intelligent automation of your operations
Machine learning
Machine learning algorithms to improve products and operations
Expert systems
Development of expert systems for solving specific problems in any subject area
Computer vision
Establishment of software for processing, analyzing and understanding images and videos
Neural networks
Creation of neural networks and usage of deep learning techniques to improve operational efficiency